Are you a psychopath

Are you a psychopath

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Did you ever think you may be a psychopath? maybe you do have some psychopatic traits. If so don't panic. Not all psychopaths are serial killers. It may actually be good news!

A new book called The Good Psychopath's Guide to Success suggests that having some psychopatic traits can actually lead you to success in your personal and professional life. When we hear the word "Psyhopath" we always think of characters like Ted Bundy or Dr. Hannibal lecter characters, but it's a broad spectrum. Former British Air Service soldier Andy McNab says.  " And, without doubt, there's certain elements of being good and function that is an asset to CEO's around the world, " he says.

McNab co-authored the book with Kevin Dutton, a psychologist with an expertise in psychopaths. When they first met, Dutton tested McNab and found out the former soldier scored high on the psychopath spectrum, the authors say.
But unlike the "Hannibal Lecter" kind of psychopath, McNab is able to control his psychopathic traits and use them to his advantage. The book, published last week, is teaching people how to do the same.

Click the link below to find out if you rate as a psychopath.

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