Complete Courseware and training packages Series
Below are some of the best training courseware package deals we are offering. Choose one of the bundled training packages below combining several training material packages and SAVE BIG!
Communication Excellence Series®
Now Get all 4 Programs for only $449.95
(Normally priced at $719.95)
An amazing great value! The "Communication Excellence Series®" includes all you need to deliver a series of comprehensive and professional communication skills development programs with a high energy 2 day communication skills program to enable participants to communicate more clearly, confidently and effectively + a 2 day negotiation skills program to practice effective negotiation + a 2 day conflict resolution program where participants will explore a logical process for handling workplace conflict + a 2 day program for delivering high impact presentations.
The complete series includes:
Negotiating for results (2 day program)
Conflict resolution (2 day program)
Presenting With Impact (2 day program)
Sales Excellence Series®
Now get all 3 programs for only $349.95
(Normally priced at $539.85)
The 3 programs that make up the “Sales Excellence Series®” got you covered with all you need to deliver a complete set of sales skills development programs for both front line sales people as well as sales managers. From structuring a best practice sales conversation with customers to proper lifestyle questioning and enhancing sales staff ability to connect, overcome objections and close sales confidently to empowering sales managers with a clear understanding of the various responsibilities of a successful sales manager with a focus on sales forecasting, planning and sales territory routing as well as sales team motivation and sales performance evaluation. Packed with hands-on practical activities, the 3 hands on training programs are a great investment if you are looking for an effective and engaging sales training solution.
The complete sales excellence series includes:
Sales ManagementProfessional Selling Skills
Sales Territory Planning & Routing
Call Center Excellence Series®
Now get all 4 programs for only $449.95
(Normally priced at $719.85)
With the 4 hands on, fun and highly effective training programs you get an amazing great value. Packed with skill practice, tips and techniques to provide a complete training solution for call center agents or anyone who provides sales/service over the phone. With a big emphasis on telephone customer service, participants will understand how to use their voice to engage better with customers, portray energy and commitment and understand how positive phrasing can help to deliver a connection with customers and enhance their personal communication and credibility, enhance their confidence and ability to deal with difficult callers. The set also include a best practice training program that focuses on how to establish and maintain control of each call from start to end plus a one day program dedicated to tips and techniques used by professional telephone debt collectors.
The complete call center series includes:
Call Control (1 day program)
Find a way to say YES! (2 day telepone customer service excellence program)
Successful Telephone Debt Collection (1 day program)
Retail Excellence Series®
Now get all 3 programs for only $349.95
(Normally priced at $539.85)
The perfect training and development solution for front line retail staff as well as retail supervisors and managers. A series of comprehensive training programs that help front line retail staff understand the logical and emotional motivations of customers to buy and adapt their communication style and build relationships with customers and deliver an outstanding customer experience, secure trust and confidence and retain a valued customer base. The sales techniques introduced will enhance front line retail staff ability to connect, overcome objections and close sales confidently and effectively in order to deliver commercial objectives. The set includes a two day retail sales planning an forecasting program that empowers retail managers with a step by step process to create a complete retail sales forecast and sales plan with specific tactics for improving their overall retail store performance.
The complete retail excellence series includes:
Retail Sales Planning & Forecasting
Passionate Retail Experts
The Presenter-Trainer Package
Now get both programs for only $299.95
(Normally priced at $359.95)
With the presenter-trainer package you get 4 days of practical hands-on advanced presentation skills enhancement package with two days focusing on how to put together a clearly focused presentation with compelling visuals combined with passionate delivery that delivers your message to your audience with impact. The second part of this set is a two day train the trainer program that uses a highly practical activity based approach to help your audience explore both the theoretical and practical skills, attitude and knowledge needed to become a better trainer.
The presenter-trainer set includes:
Presenting With Impact
Why buy our courseware packages?
Big Value for money
Fully customizable
Easily add to your own materials
Exercises, Games & activities to enliven and spirit-up your training delivery
End your training with a fun & competitive review exercise
Each of our training packages includes a great bonus Power Point game show that was designed to be the grand finale of your training program and keep your participants engaged to the very end. Just split your participants into teams and watch excitement rise as they compete to answer questions around your training materials for an excellent and fun way to review, recap and improve retention of the training materials covered.
Download and get it instantly
Instantly download and get your training package immediately. After purchasing off our website you immediately get a link to download everything in a zipped file.
Fully Editable and customizable
No restrictions, full freedom to use
MS office format
Packed with activities , games and exercises
Very well organized and structured design documents
Engaging power point slide deck
Step by step comprehensive trainer guide
Competitive fun games and activities
Complete training course material package with all you need to run a great training including evaluation forms and certificates for participants.
Downloadable immediately
Get original source files
Engaging Innovative content
Based on latest training models and concepts
Specific job aids and useful forms to use back on the job (Selected training courses )
High impact visuals
Training materials that helps you create an engaging learning environment
Assessment tools (Selected training courses)
All documents in MS office format including trainer guide, slides, workbook, activity and exercise sheets and additional support tools.

Our Clients

"Scitron's programs provide comprehensive information in a visually interesting format. Participants benefit from interactive activities that reinforce the content and making learning fun."
Alan Lloyd
Trainer & Business consultant, San Francisco, USA
"Scitron's programs provide comprehensive information in a visually interesting format. Participants benefit from interactive activities that reinforce the content and making learning fun."
Jeanne Parks
Trainer & Business consultant, San Francisco, USA
"The workshop is very well constructed, in a logical sequence and the content encompasses all the latest ideas and research. Ultimately a fantastic workshop to either deliver or participate in."
Nige O'Shea FIMI
Professional Inspirations Ltd. UK
"I’m very impressed with the quality and professionalism of these training programmes. The content is structured and delivered in such a way as to facilitate a positive learning experience for the participants. The presentation and course notes are well-designed, fun and engaging which help to encourage a high level of participation."
Katelyn Johnson
Trainer, Johannesburg, South Africa
"Scitron have worked hard to create a totally tailored training solution for Mobile Telephony retail managers and sales teams. By creating high impact visuals and with varied and intelligent use of multi media visuals and activities, trainers were able to provide an accelerated learning solution that grasped the imagination of all types of learners and ensured the maximum return on training investment in this fast paced industry. Even the most seasoned sales professionals found something new and useable from their high energy training sessions and the course feedback was fantastic - consistently!"
Craig Hines
Innov8 Performance Limited, UK
"I have purchased the 3 training programmes of the Complete Communications Excellence Series. I consider that the GBP 99 cost represents excellent value for money and the materials are of a high quality. The programmes follow a logical sequence and are very comprehensive. As they are produced in MS Office formats, not password protected pdfs, they are very customisable and it has been easy to change the materials to UK spelling. The additional activities provided are very extensive and should prove useful once I have had time to explore them fully. The materials are going to save me hours of work as I prepare new training courses."
Alan Lloyd
Team Leader, EU Support to Civil Society in Libya Project
"I have purchased the time management package and I found it really easy to customize to meet my training requirements. The sequence of content was very conducive to life -long learning, the slides were very attractive and helpful. The exercises included in the package were exciting and were well liked by the participants. I encourage other trainers to buy is as the price is reasonable when compared to other training packages available on the internet"
Imad AL-Husami
Trainer and Consultant
"In Sales training, Scitron’s ability to identify the specific areas of skill gap and build a program that directly addressed those gaps is very professional. That, coupled with the dynamic training events, has helped customers to drastically impact the skill level of their sales force and make a measurable impact on bottom line results."
Tarek Fahmy
Trainer & Consultant, Dubai, UAE
"I loved all the activities that helped me achieve a high level of interaction and energy keeping participants engaged . all the activities, ice breakers and case studies that achieved a fun learning environment while maintaining depth in the knowledge acquired."